
发布时间:2020-09-20 09:59:02


魏福静1992—),汉族,重庆北碚人, 四川大学生物学博士。






(1) Jiang C, Huang X, Yao J, Yu LH, Wei FJ*, Yang AM*. The role of membrane contact sites at the bacteria-host interface. Crit Rev Microbiol. 2022 May;48(3):270-282. (IF=7.391)

(2) Wei FJ, Yang AM, Zhao Z, An HF, Li Y, Duan YX*. Mechanism of ER stress-mediated ER-phagy by CdTe-QDs in yeast cells. Toxicol Lett. 2022 Jul 15;365:36-45. (IF=4.271)

(3) Wei FJ, Xie QY, Huang ZJ, Yang AM, Duan YX*. Induction of autophagy and endoplasmic reticulum autophagy caused by cadmium telluride quantum dots are protective mechanisms of yeast cell. J Appl Toxicol. 2022 Jul;42(7):1146-1158. (IF=3.628)

(4) Wei FJ, Duan YX*. Crosstalk between Autophagy and Nanomaterials: Internalization, Activation, Termination. Adv Biosyst. 2019 Jan;3(1):e1800259. (IF:4.053)

(5) Wei FJ, Wang Y, Luo Z, Li Y, Duan YX*. New findings of silica nanoparticles induced ER autophagy in human colon cancer cell. Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 14;7:42591. (IF=5.516)

(6) Wang YM, Zhao Z, Wei FJ, Luo ZW, Duan YX*. Combining autophagy-inducing peptides and brefeldin A delivered by perinuclear-localized mesoporous silica nanoparticles: a manipulation strategy for ER-phagy. Nanoscale. 2018 May 10;10(18):8796-8805. (IF=8.307)

(7) Wang YM, Li Y, Wei FJ, Duan YX*. Optical Imaging Paves the Way for Autophagy Research. Trends Biotechnol. 2017 Dec;35(12):1181-1193. (IF=14.343)

