
发布时间:2020-09-20 08:55:17


吴双1991),汉族,四川内江人, 巴塞罗那自治大学生物医学博士。


第一,基于磁共振波谱 (MRSI) 技术的分子成像手段监测肿瘤微环境成分的实时变化,从而实现非侵入式活体追踪肿瘤在治疗过程中的演化进程。








(1) ESMRMB Online Scientific Meeting, held in Barcelona, October 1st - 4th,  2020. 口头报告: “Helping hands for anti-PD-1 immunotherapy: an  oscillatory pattern based on MRSI could act as immune system biomarker.” 

(2) 2019 International Conference on Molecular Imaging and Minimally Invasive  Therapy. Beijing, October 10-20th, 2019. 口头报告 : “MRSI-basednosological images in glioblastoma therapy monitoring: an oscillatory pattern  could act as immune system biomarker.”

(3) 3rd young Spanish ESMI Group Meeting. Barcelona, May 13th, 2019. 口头报告: “Can the oscillatory pattern of response in MRSI-based Glioblastoma therapy  follow-up become an immune system activity biomarker?” 

(4) CIBER BBN 2019 Annual Meeting. Tarragona, October 21-22th, 2019. 墙报示:  “Apossible explanation for resistance to temozolomide (TMZ) chemotherapy in preclinical  GL261 glioblastoma: PD-L1 content increase.”


1.Wu S, Song R, Liu T, et al. Antifungal therapy: novel drug delivery strategies driven by new targets[J]. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2023: 114967.(IF = 17.873)

2.Wu S, Calero-Pérez P, Villamañan L, et al. Anti-tumour immune response in GL261 glioblastoma generated by Temozolomide Immune-Enhancing Metronomic Schedule monitored with MRSI-based nosological images. NMR Biomed. 2020;33(4):e4229. (IF 3.548)

3. Wu S, Calero-Pérez P, Arús C, et al. Anti-pd-1 immunotherapy in preclinical gl261 glioblastoma: Influence of therapeutic parameters and non-invasive response biomarker assessment with mrsi-based approaches[J]. International journal of molecular sciences, 2020, 21(22): 8775.(IF = 5.6)

4. Tang Y, Wu S, Lin J, et al. Nanoparticles Targeted against Cryptococcal Pneumonia by Interactions between Chitosan and Its Peptide Ligand. Nano Lett. 2018;18(10):6207–6213. (共同一作,IF 12.344)

5. Liu Z, Long T, Wu S, Li C. Porphyrin-loaded liposomes and graphene oxide used for the membrane pore-forming protein assay and inhibitor screening. Analyst. 2015;140(16):5495–5500. (IF 4.019)

6. Chen, Z., Wang, J., Miao, H., Wang, L., Wu, S., & Yang, X. Fluorescent carbon dots derived from lactose for assaying folic acid. Science China Chemistry, 2016; 59(4): 487-492. (IF 4.219)

